"What went down"

I want to know the actual meaning of "what went down" is it the same as "What happened" if so, could someone make a sentence with "what went down" replacing "what happened? forgive the rendundancy

Yes, broadly speaking "what went down" is synonymous with "what happened". It's a slang term, particularly prevalent in the areas of crime and law enforcement, and often refers to a sequence of events, rather than just a single incident. It may also include some element of completeness, describing not just what happened, but also why. For example:

"Okay," said the officer, sitting down across from the suspect. "Tell me what happened."

can become

"Okay," said the officer, sitting down across from the suspect. "Tell me what went down."

It is somewhat implied that the officer is asking for the full sequence of events, not just "he got shot".

"What happened?" and "What went down?" are not interchangeable expressions.

  • go down (happen): (Cambridge Dictionary) ​

    US slang If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens:

    I tried to tell Tyrell what was going down, but he wouldn't listen.

  • go down: (idioms.freedictionary.com)

    1. To occur, happen, or unfold, as of an event or action.

      We need to figure out what went down here before we can press any charges.

    2. . Sl. to happen.

      Hey, man! What's going down? Something strange is going down around here.

    3. Occur, take place, as in Really crazy behavior was going down in the sixties. [Slang; mid-1900s]

"Yes! Go down, for an event, means happen.( From WordReference.com)

Examples: It's going down now. When do you plan for this to go down? This is usually used in the context of crime or law enforcement. It would be unusual to say "We're planning a company picnic. It'll go down on June 14."

Past tense of what's going down

verb - intransitive

as a greeting, a rhetorical question asking about what's happening.

Hey man, what's goin' down (Online slang dictionary) ?

However while what's going down is usually rhetorical, what went down is interrogative and actually asking what happened?

Example sentence:

I heard Joe came to see you last night, that sounds like trouble. What went down?