Why does sudo command take long to execute?

Solution 1:

I asked this question over on SO and it got moved here. That said I no longer have the ability to edit the question as if I owned it, or even accept the correct answer, but this turned out to be the true reason why and how to solve it:

Found here User "rohandhruva" on there gives the right answer:

This happens if you change the hostname during the install process.

To solve the problem, edit the file /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 <ADD_YOURS_HERE> 
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 <ADD_YOURS_HERE>

Solution 2:

Check that your syslog daemon is working correctly; this caused the issue for me.

Run the following command

logger 'Hello world'
  1. Does the command return within a reasonable amount of time?

  2. Does 'Hello world' show up in /var/log/syslog?

If this is not the case, the syslog daemon has crashed. Restarting it should fix your problem.

Solution 3:

Is one of the files/directories it needs to read on a networked mount, or is it somehow triggering reading from a slow usb device? Try strace and see where it's slow; if it goes by too fast, do

sudo strace -r -o trace.log sudo echo hi

Each line will start with the time taken since entering the previous syscall.

(The initial sudo seems to be necessary; I don't know how much that will perturb the results.)