Create gigabit bond from 2x100Mbps ethernet

I followed the instructions from: Combine Ethernet ports into a virtual port on Mac to create a bind between two 100Mbps Ethernet interfaces.

However the bond itself is only a 100Mbps interface. It there a way to make a Gigabit bonded interface to get 200Mbps out of the two interfaces at once?

Solution 1:

This is called link aggregation.

First off, to bond two Ethernet ports together, your switch must also support this and have the ports configured to do so. From your description of things, it appears this part was overlooked because you still only have a 100MB connection.

Secondly, you can’t get a gigabit link (1Gb) from two 100MB connections. 1Gb = 1000Mb. Two 100Mb links aggregated is 200Mb.