Wrong Macintosh HD icon after Catalina Upgrade

After upgrading to Catalina 10.15.2 the Macintosh HD icon on my Desktop and other places is showing what looks like a Chrome disk image icon instead. I've tried restarting and running first aid on the volume with no changes. Any ideas how to restore the normal icon?

desktop icon

disk utility icon

Solution 1:

None of the workarounds mentioned in comments worked for me, so I decided to write a separate answer for people with the same trouble.

Experienced the same issue since the upgrade from Mojave 10.14 to Catalina (10.15.1), felt unreal and confused. Spent 10-15 mins searching and troubleshooting trying to fix but no luck (including Get Info - Upper Left corner - select the Icon - ⌘ + delete - it didn't work).

Mysterious and no one can explain how and why it happened (if you can, please_).

Disk Utility.app show the same Chrome Disk Image icon, didn't find a way to force a refresh or delete it.

Disk Utility.app

I was hoping that the issue would be fixed by macOS patches but obviously NO up until 10.15.4, that's why I ended up here lol.

So the solution that worked for me:

  1. In Terminal (or iTerm2)
open /System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext/Contents/Resources
  1. Open internal.icns in Preview.app

  2. Select all icons included by using ⌘ + A and copy to clipboard ⌘ + C

  3. In Get Info UI, click on the upper left corner icon to select it

  4. Paste ⌘ + V, if this does NOT work, use the file menu - Edit - Paste, the latter worked like a charm for me, finally...

NOTE: In my case, I didn't select all icons included in the icon resource file, so the paste ended up with a wrong one, when I use the file menu - Edit - Undo, it just refreshed to the correct Icon, hmm... Anyway, it worked. Thanks to @user3439894 and OP @jjathman