Add & delete view from Layout

I've done it like so:


Use ViewStub and specify the layout of the view you want to toggle. To view:

mViewStub.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) or mViewStub.inflate();

To disappear:


This is the best way

LinearLayout lp = new LinearLayout(this);
lp.addView(new Button(this));
lp.addView(new ImageButton(this));
// Now remove them 
lp.removeViewAt(0); // and so on

If you have xml layout then no need to add dynamically.just call


To add view to a layout, you can use addView method of the ViewGroup class. For example,

TextView view = new TextView(getActivity());
view.setText("Hello World");

ViewGroup Layout = (LinearLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;

There are also a number of remove methods. Check the documentation of ViewGroup. One simple way to remove view from a layout can be like,

layout.removeAllViews(); // then you will end up having a clean fresh layout