JavaScript Promise Dependency Handling

This is an example how you can asynchronously traverse a directed acyclic graph, without evaluating the individual nodes multiple times. Be careful, cycles in the dependency graph cause a deadlock in this implementation.

function Model(name, requires) { = name;
  this.requires = requires;

// this function is available as `Promise.delay` when using bluebird
function delay(x, v) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => { resolve(v); }, x);

Model.prototype.process = function () {
  console.log('started processing: ',;
  return delay(Math.random() * 100 + 100).then(() => {
    console.log('finished processing: ',;

function Processor(models) {
  this.processMap = {};
  this.models = models;
  models.forEach(m => {
    this.processMap[] = {
      promise: null,
      model: m

Processor.prototype.processDependencies = function(model) {
  return Promise.all( => this.processByName(r)));

Processor.prototype.process = function(model) {
  const process = this.processMap[];
  if (!process.promise) {
    process.promise = this.processDependencies(model)
      .then(() => model.process());
  return process.promise;

Processor.prototype.processByName = function(modelName) {
  return this.process(this.processMap[modelName].model);

function test() {
  const models = [
    new Model('bottom', []),
    new Model('mid a', ['bottom']),
    new Model('mid b', ['bottom']),
    new Model('top', ['mid a', 'mid b'])
  const processor = new Processor(models);

  Promise.all( => processor.process(m))
  ).then(allResults => {
    console.log("All process finished");
  }, e => {
