Files created by Terminal are not visible in my Finder

So I've been trying to create a text file using Git, I punched in the command "touch home.html", then I punched in the command git "add home.html", then I input "git status" and the file doesn't want to appear, I have relaunched the finder multiple times, nothing.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 1:

You're running git status in the wrong repository (your home directory, ~, i.e. /Users/adam). You need to move into the repo that you want to act on, i.e. cd ~/Desktop/Tools/Git/MyFolder, or a subdirectory of this, and then run git status.

You've created the home.html file in ~.

You must have run git init on your home directory or a parent of it, i.e. /Users/adam, /Users, or /. The first is most likely, as the others would require use of sudo. You can forget about / get rid of this repo by running rm -rf .git within that directory.

I encourage you to learn the basics of Git by watching this video.

Here's a good video on Linux terminal basics as well. macOS isn't Linux, but it's Unix-based, just like Linux, so the principles are the same; the knowledge directly applies to macOS.