Mac Mini Sleeping When Idle

We are having some issues with 2 Mac minis running Mojave. They go to sleep after a couple of minutes the user logs out.

We tried playing with the pmset settings without luck

Here are my current settings

~/Documents/vc:$ pmset -g

System-wide power settings:

Currently in use:

standby 1

Sleep On Power Button 1

womp 1

autorestart 0

hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage

proximitywake 1

powernap 0

gpuswitch 2

networkoversleep 0

disksleep 0

standbydelayhigh 86400

sleep 0

hibernatemode 3

ttyskeepawake 1

displaysleep 0

tcpkeepalive 1

highstandbythreshold 50

standbydelaylow 86400

Does anyone knows how to keep them awake 24/7? Our monitoring systems complain about the minis being unreachable.

enter image description here

enter image description here

You have some errors in your power settings.

  • hibernatemode 3. 3 is the default for portables; since you have a Mac mini, this is incorrect; it should be 0 (default) for desktops.

  • standby 1. If you don't want your machine to go into standby at all, this should be set to 0

  • autopoweroff seems to be missing. This should also be set to 0 as it's enabled by default.

Issue the command

pmset -a hibernatemode 0 standby 0 autopoweroff 0