Swift 3 Core Data Delete Object

The result of a fetch is an array of managed objects, in your case [Event], so you can enumerate the array and delete all matching objects. Example (using try? instead of try! to avoid a crash in the case of a fetch error):

if let result = try? context.fetch(fetchRequest) {
    for object in result {

do {
    try context.save()
} catch {
    //Handle error

If no matching objects exist then the fetch succeeds, but the resulting array is empty.

Note: In your code, object has the type [Event] and therefore in


the compiler creates a call to the

public func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?)

method of NSObject instead of the expected

public func delete(_ object: NSManagedObject)

method of NSManagedObjectContext. That is why your code compiles but fails at runtime.

The trick here, it is save context after deleting your objects.

let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Profile> = Profile.fetchRequest()
fetchRequest.predicate = Predicate.init(format: "profileID==\(withID)")
let objects = try! context.fetch(fetchRequest)
for obj in objects {

do {
    try context.save() // <- remember to put this :)
} catch {
    // Do something... fatalerror

I hope this can help someone.