How could I replace Mathtype in a mathematic document with Catalina?

I think I'm not the only one with this problem on Mac.

I have to buy a new MacBook with Catalina 10.15 (64 bits).

Being a math teacher, I need Mathtype to edit equations in my docs. I have a lot of old (and actual) docs made with Mathtype. The big advantage with Mathtype is that I can change my equation's font (arial, franklin, etc.). This is what I'm searching for.

But Mathtype (Wiris) doesn't plan a new version for Catalina (see or others forums). If I change my mac, I couldn't use Mathtype anymore.

I do not know what to do with this problem...

I can use Pages or Word for editing.

I could use Latex : not easy to use different font. Not easy to insert graph or other geogebra images, etc. I tried this solution last year, but I'm really too perfectionist to get what I need.

I could use Word 2016 equation editor : only 2 or 3 fonts availables on the web...

I could use Page 8.2.1 equation editor : the Blahtex fonts are limited. This is impossible to find a ttf who matches with possibles fonts.

I don't understand why I seem to be te only person with this problem on internet... It's impossible. Probably because others don't care about the font.

Could you help please? Some suggestions?

(Sorry for my bad english)

I had the same dilemma with Adobe CS5 and CS6. Ended up buying a refurbished 2018 Mac Mini directly from Apple. Came with Catalina preinstalled. Used the following steps to install Mojave.

  1. Download Mojave from the link on the Apple website How to upgrade to macOS Mojave.
  2. Use the Disk Utility application to create a new APFS volume in the existing APFS container.
  3. Boot to macOS Recovery to allow booting from external media. You will only need to perform this step, if your Mac has the new T2 chip.
  4. Used a flash drive to install Mojave to the new APFS volume. The instructions are given on the Apple website How to create a bootable installer for macOS.

You can now install your 32 bit applications. Basically, you will have a dual boot arrangement. When MathType 8 is released, you can install to the preinstalled Catalina. Mojave can be removed by using the Disk Utility to delete the APFS volume containing Mojave.

Before purchasing a refurbished Mac, you should confirm that the model was early enough to run Mojave. The website is a good place to get this information. If for some reason the purchased model can not be downgraded to Mojave, Apple does have a 14 day return policy.

I should note that under Mojave I do get a error message when quitting an Adobe CS5 or CS6 application. Other than the message, the applications appear to function properly.

I have a similar issue: I need to use MathType for one specialized project, so I'm not upgrading from Mojave to Catalina. As klanomath says, Wiris (the publishers of MathType) claims that they'll have an interim MathType for Catalina available. I emailed them about this, and they replied,

Unfortunately, though we have been months working around the clock on an interim MathType version for Catalina, we regret to inform you that this version will not be ready for a few months. We will keep you informed of the progress of this version promptly via e-mail.

If you would like to keep on using MathType, we would strongly advise not to update your macOS to Catalina until we release our MathType Catalina version.

This was back on October 9th, so I'm not sure what to expect. I will note that it took MathType something like 6 years to upgrade from v. 6 to v. 7 so that MathType would work on Word 16 for Mac. I had to use Word 11 for years because of this. Also, every developer has known about the transition to 64 bit apps for many years, but Wiris appears to have been caught off guard, or at least they were unable to make the transition in the several years they had. So why would we expect them to be able to do it in the next few months?

I mostly write equation-heavy documents in LaTeX, but, as I said, there's this one project I have which needs Word and MathType.