I have multiple machines at home. All of them are running Windows 7 x64. Due to limited bandwidth and slow connection, I want to make them download updates just once and apply to the rest of them. What's the easiest way to accomplish that without resorting to Windows Server specific solutions (WSUS)?

I don't know if this the right tool for you, but heise security has a nice solution for packaging Windows Updates:

DIY Service Pack - Installing Windows updates without an internet connection

Looking for manageable Windows updates even without an internet connection? Our offline update 3.0 script collection downloads the entire body of updates for Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003 from Microsoft's servers in one fell swoop and then uses them to create patch packages on CD, DVD or USB stick. Those in turn allow you to update as many PCs as desired.

Update: Windows 7 support is just a matter of time, I think. See this forum post.

Update 2:

New wusu offline update here Supports Windows 7 and 8

You may already have an acceptable solution built right in to Windows 7...

Windows Update on Vista and Windows 7 uses BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) version 3.0 to manage the download of updates; BITS 3.0 can utilize a new feature, peer caching, to improve download performance and bandwidth utilization.

Unfortunately, BITS peer caching is not automagical--the reference I found on TechNet indicates that Vista or Server 2008 is required (I'd say that Windows 7 would qualify there), as is an Active Directory domain (peer caching is only supported in domain networks; the feature is not available in workgroups or home networks). You will need to use Group Policy to enable BITS peer caching.

I don't recall where I first heard about this feature, but I was able to find good reference material about it in the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP1 Operations Guide. The interesting stuff is found in Appendix E: Configuring BITS 2.0 and 3.0 for Download Performance. The appropriate Group Policy settings to enable BITS 3.0 peer caching are found at the end of Appendix E.

(Sorry about not including hyperlinks; apparantly new users aren't allowed to embed them--a quick search on TechNet should bring up the appropriate document easily enough, however...)

Assuming you have a domain network, I believe peer caching will provide benefit whether you're using a WSUS server or Microsoft Update as your update source--both use BITS to distribute the bits, as it were... BITS peer caching should give you all of the bandwidth-conserving benefits of a WSUS server without the need to stand up and maintain WSUS.

While I have successfully used WSUS to manage updates in both domain and non-domain (read: workgroup) environments, it would seem to be a bit overkill for your situation...