Template Strings ES6 prevent line breaks

I have a long string, which I build using ES6 template strings, but I want it to be without line breaks:

var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
              expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
              For example, below we can use expression interpolation to 
              embed for some readable inline math:`



As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:

My expectations:

As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names. For example, below we can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:

This is insane.

Almost every single answer here suggest running a function runtime in order to well-format, buildtime bad-formatted text oO Am I the only one shocked by that fact, especially performance impact ???

As stated by @dandavis, the official solution, (which btw is also the historic solution for unix shell scripts), is to escape the carriage return, well, with the escape character : \

`foo \
bar` === 'foo bar'

Simple, performant, official, readable, and shell-like in the process

A line break is a line break... If you produce them manually, I find very expectable that you get them during run-time.

BTW, I find three workarounds for now:

  1. Configure your IDE or code editor to do word wrap so you won't need to add line breaks in your code if you don't need them: your editor will break your code in two or more lines if each code sentence goes beyond configured maximum characters.

  2. Remove line breaks with String.prototype.replace:

var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`.replace(/\n/gm,"");

Caution: here you're running a function runtime to format your buildtime code, which might look like an anti-pattern, and have performance impact

  1. Perform these code line breaks using concatenations:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript`
              + `expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.`
              + `For example, below we can use expression interpolation to` 
              + `embed for some readable inline math:`;

In my case, I would go with #1 option.

If you have ES6, you can use tags. For instance, the stripIndent tag from the common-tags library:

Install via:

npm install common-tags --save

Require via:

const stripIndent = require('common-tags/lib/stripIndent')

Use as:

  As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
  expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
  For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
  embed for some readable inline math:        

Edit: As mentioned in the comments, you likely need to pick the: const oneLine = require('common-tags/lib/oneLine') tag for your desired outcome.

More info on the aforementioned common-tags link as well as on this blog

  • Either configure IDE to make wraps and use template string 1-liner, as in your 1st code snippet.

  • Either use \ escape literal char just before the line breaks.


    const string = `1st line\
    2nd line\ 
    3rd line`; 

    But it will not save you from issues with space-aligning.

  • Either use old-school ES5 concatenation with '+'.


    const string = '1st line' + 
                   '2nd line' + 
                   '3rd line'; 
  • Either use hack with template empty string var ${''}:


    const string = `1st line${'' 
                   }2nd line${'' 
                   }3rd line`;

The 1st way is much more better, cause:

  • less symbols (size aspect)
  • no runtime operations (perfomance aspect)