Error when trying to inject a service into an angular component "EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for component", why?

I've built a basic app in Angular, but I have encountered a strange issue where I cannot inject a service into one of my components. It injects fine into any of the three other components I have created, however.

For starters, this is the service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class MobileService {
  screenWidth: number;
  screenHeight: number;

  constructor() {
    this.screenWidth = window.outerWidth;
    this.screenHeight = window.outerHeight;

    window.addEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize.bind(this) )
  onWindowResize(ev: Event) {
    var win = (ev.currentTarget as Window);
    this.screenWidth = win.outerWidth;
    this.screenHeight = win.outerHeight;

And the component that it refuses to work with:

import { Component, } from '@angular/core';
import { NgClass } from '@angular/common';
import { ROUTER_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/router';

import {MobileService} from '../';

  selector: 'pm-header',
  templateUrl: 'header.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['header.component.css'],
  directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, NgClass],
export class HeaderComponent {
  mobileNav: boolean = false;

  constructor(public ms: MobileService) {


The error I get in the browser console is this:

EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for HeaderComponent: (?).

I have the service in the bootstrap function so it has a provider. And I seem to be able to inject it into the constructor of any of my other components without issue.

Import it from the file where it is declared directly instead of the barrel.

I don't know what exactly causes the issue but I saw it mentioned several times (probably some kind of circular dependency).

It should also be fixable by changing the order of the exports in the barrel (don't know details, but was mentioned as well)

In addition to the previous answers given, it seems this error is thrown as well when your injectable service is missing the actual @Injectable() decorator. So before you debug the cyclic dependency thing and the order of your imports/exports, do a simple check whether your service actually has @Injectable() defined.

This applies to the current Angular latest, Angular 2.1.0.

I opened an issue on this matter.

As of Angular 2.2.3 there is now a forwardRef() utility function that allows you to inject providers that have not yet been defined.

By not defined, I mean that the dependency injection map doesn't know the identifier. This is what happens during circular dependencies. You can have circular dependencies in Angular that are very difficult to untangle and see.

export class HeaderComponent {
  mobileNav: boolean = false;

  constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => MobileService)) public ms: MobileService) {


Adding @Inject(forwardRef(() => MobileService)) to the parameter of the constructor in the original question's source code will fix the problem.


Angular 2 Manual: ForwardRef

Forward references in Angular 2