Position all slides titles at the same exact coordinate - Keynote

So I have about 70 slides in my keynote presentation.

enter image description here

I've been looking everywhere trying to position all my titles of all 70 pages to start at the exact x,y coordinates position.

I couldn't find it an option to do that. 😭

Result :

Right now, if I pressed down arrows, I see that my titles are not line up, some of them are too far left, and some are slightly off not in same position because I been eyes-ball and position each one of them best I can to the left edge.

Is there a way to do it ?

Solution 1:

From Keynote type some text on a slide. Select the text and on the top right side be sure to click on Format. Then on the line below Format click on Arrange. In the pane that appears, you can set the x and y positions of the text. There is an option below that to lock this into place.