How can I show the numeric keyboard by default on iPhone?

I'm trying the following with no luck. When the user click on a UiTextfield I need to change the keyboard view to the numeric view automatically, is this possible?

The UITextInputTraits protocol (which UITextField conforms to) has a keyboardType property of type UIKeyboardType.

myTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;

This could be done in the Interface Builder as well:

Number pad2 Number pad2

UITextField conforms to UITextInputTraits protocol which means it has keyboardType property which you can set.

myField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;

You can also set it via interface builder. From the text input traits set the keyboard to number pad and that's all.

We can get it by interface approach also.Select the text field and go to attribute inspector and change the keyboard type from the keyboard drop down box.

enter image description here