Word for something that can be validated
What is a word to describe something that can be validated? From verify we have verifiable. What is the equivalent for valid or validate?
Obviously validifiable is not a word, so what is the alternative?
Solution 1:
The Oxford English Dictionary doesn't seem to know of a direct equivalent (which doesn't mean none exists, of course). The only derivatives it lists for validate are validated and validating. I think the closest you'll get (apart from something like provable, as Mr. Disappointment suggests) is "able to be validated." Or you could just coin validatable.
Solution 2:
The word "validate" comes from Latin "validus" (strong, able) and "dare" (to give).
So if you want to create an adjective expressing possibility, you'd use the "-abilis" suffix and the word would be "validabilis" in Latin, or "validable" in English.
This would however be a neologism.