Robocopy does not copy the root folder and its time stamp
Robocopy does not copy the root folder and its time stamp - it copies all subdirectories and files (when the appropriate options are set) and there seems to be no option/argument to tell Robocopy you want the root folder itself and its time stamp or attributes to be copied verbatim also.
So say I want I want to copy C:/Brushes
Robocopy will copy all its subdirectories and files into the destination, but not the Brushes folder itself, with all associated attributes and time stamp.
You understand what I am asking? This is pretty basic and Robocopy seems to lack a option for it. People have posed the question before in various forums but as far as I'm concerned, no one has answered the question.
robocopy %1 "C:\DestinationDirectory\%~n1" /E /V /DCOPY:T /LOG:"C:\DestinationDirectory\Copied.txt" /R:10 /W:30
Drop a folder onto the bat
or use in Send To.
It will create folder with name & time stamp of source directory and copy all files.
I agree with the OP, not being able to copy the root folder is a big shortcoming of robocopy. How about cheating and moving the brushes folder into a temporary folder, performing the robocopy operation on the temporary folder, then moving it back?
Something like:
md "c:\verytemporary" && move "c:\brushes" "C:\verytemporary"||( echo Line 1 error occurred & goto :eof )
robocopy c:\verytemporary d:\ /MIR /DCOPY:T
move "c:\verytemporary\brushes" "c:\" && rd /q "c:\verytemporary"||echo Line 3 error occurred