Xcode Folders Auto-Expanding When Clicking "Project Navigator"

Input any number of letters in the File filter, then close your Xcode immediately, then reopen your Xcode, then you will see the magic


enter image description here

I found a solution for this from another posted question.

Delete this file...

MyProjectName.xcodeproj > project.xcworkspace > xcuserdata > myusername.xcuserdatad > UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate

Xcode remember what folders were collapsed / opened

I also had a similar issue with the search filter for an asset catalog failing to clear. Deleting the .xcuserstate file solved that as well

With CocoaPods, delete this:

MyProjectName.xcworkspace > xcuserdata > myusername.xcuserdatad > UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate