Installing vim with ruby support (+ruby)

Solution 1:

Some package provides vim-ruby on Ubuntu, for example vim-nox.


sudo apt-get install vim-nox;

will get you vim with ruby, as well as compiled in "support for scripting with Perl, Python, Ruby, and TCL but no GUI."

sudo apt-get install vim-rails

will install a "selection of vimscripts that make editing Ruby on Rails applications extremely easy." but as it depends on vim-full and vim-addon-manager, it will also install the vim-gnome version of the GUI, that is "a version of vim compiled with a GNOME2 GUI and support for scripting with Perl, Python, Ruby, and TCL."

Solution 2:

I think "Compiling Vim With Ruby Integration On Snow Leopard" might actually help. I'm on exactly same boat at the moment.

Ok... got it to work. Took me like half hour or so.

This should help (I got Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install mercurial
hg clone vim
cd vim
./configure --enable-rubyinterp
sudo make install

To test if things look fancy:

vim --version | grep ruby

Should return something like:

-python3 +quickfix +reltime -rightleft +ruby +scrollbind +signs +smartindent

Ruby should have plus now. Another trick to test it - enter vim and hit :ruby 1. Should not fail.

Solution 3:

On mac os x, assuming you have Homebrew installed:

brew install

This version of vim has ruby support enabled


EDIT: edited the url, thanks @david-xia for mentioning the change

UPDATE: Apparently, homebrew vim now comes with ruby support enabled by default so you just need to do brew install vim (see comment below)