How to use git as source control provider for SQL Server Management Studio [closed]

Can we use GIT as the source control for sql management studio?

for Database source control within SSMS

Agent SVN - SCC Subversion Plug-in.


enter image description here

I’ve found out that ApexSQL has a tool that natively supports Git as a source control system. It comes as a SSMS add-in, and offers a wizard you can use to map database objects with the source control systems. To do that:

  1. Download and install ApexSQL Source Control
  2. Start SSMS and in Object explorer select the database you want to be linked to a source control
  3. Right-click the database, and form the context menu, select the Link database to source control option, from the ApexSQL Source Control submenu
  4. Select the source control system (in your case it is Git) and choose from 2 database development models - shared or dedicated. Shared model is recommended when you link a database on which multiple developers will work at the same time Database development model - choose between shared or dedicated
  5. Filter objects which you don’t want to track using source control: by schema, type or name by schema, type or name
  6. Provide appropriate login information and repository string. For Git it is: <protocol>://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<Git server name>/<repository> (see example below): Log into Git source control system

More detailed step-by-step instructions can be found in this article:

Try sql-source-control, a free and open source CLI used to get SQL into source control systems like Git.