How to implement left join in JOIN Extension method

Solution 1:

Normally left joins in LINQ are modelled with group joins, sometimes in conjunction with DefaultIfEmpty and SelectMany:

var leftJoin = p.Person.Where(n => n.FirstName.Contains("a"))
                                  n => n.PersonId,
                                  m => m.PersonId,
                                  (n, ms) => new { n, ms = ms.DefaultIfEmpty() })
                       .SelectMany(z => => new { n = z.n, m }));

That will give a sequence of pairs (n, m) where n is the entry from p.Person and m is the entry from p.PersonInfo, but m will be null if there are no matches.

(It's completely untested, btw - but should give you the idea anyway :)

Solution 2:

For Left outer Join try Following query. This is tested

var leftJoin = Table1
                               inner: Table2,
                    outerKeySelector: t1 => t1.Col1,
                    innerKeySelector: t2 => t2.Col2,
                      resultSelector: ( t1, t2Rows ) => new { t1, t2Rows.DefaultIfEmpty() }
                .SelectMany( z =>
                    z.t2Rows.Select( t2 =>
                        new { t1 = z.t1, t2 = t2 }