Touch ID needed when creating a file in external ssd

I recently bought an external ssd to put my files in it for my Macbook Pro 2019, at first I linked it at Time machine but I withdrew my decision.

The problem is that I didn't use it before time machine, and since i unliked it, it keeps asking me to put my Touch ID to create a new folder, i can't create a folder directly in it through a tier app (for example vscode), is that normal ? Is there a way to change it ?

I tried to see if I can reset my SSD or set a format but it doesn't seem possible through Finder.
I appreciate any help or link that can be useful! (I'm new to macOs)

Solution 1:

If you don't need the remains Time Machine might have left on the external drive, starting Disk Utility and reformatting the disk (to APFS in case of an SSD) should get you back on track.