Is there any mathematical operation on Integers that yields the same result as doing bitwise "AND"?
Two important sets:
The set of natural numbers $\mathbb N = \{0,1,2,3,4,\ldots\}$
The set of binary sequences $\{0,1\}^* = \{\langle \rangle,\langle 0 \rangle,\langle 1\rangle,\langle 00\rangle,\langle 01\rangle,\langle 10\rangle,\langle 11\rangle,\langle 000\rangle,\ldots\}$
There is a function $\text{binary} : \mathbb N \to \{0,1\}^*$ which converts natural numbers to binary sequences, for example:
- $\text{binary}(0) = \langle 0\rangle$
- $\text{binary}(3) = \langle 11\rangle$
- $\text{binary}(5) = \langle 101\rangle$
- $\text{binary}(136) = \langle 10001000\rangle$
And it has a (left) inverse (since it is injective) that converts binary strings back to natural numbers $\text{binary}^{-1} : \{0,1\}^* \to \mathbb N$.
So you have a function $\text{and} : \{0,1\}^* \to \{0,1\}^*$ defined bitwise (presumably that means inductively defined on the length of binary strings). For example:
- $\text{and}(\langle 11\rangle,\langle 101\rangle) = \langle 001\rangle$
One can define now the function $f(x,y) = \text{binary}^{-1}(\text{and}(\text{binary}(x),\text{binary}(y)))$ which acts for example
- $f(3,5) = 1$
If you doubt any of this is "mathematical" you should specify what foundation you use (set theory probably?) and we can turn everything into axioms. If you wanted a formula like $f(x,y) = x^y - \frac{y+x}{y^{\sqrt{x}}}$ then I would guess no such thing exists but to prove you would have to define a specific grammar of formulas and it would be very difficult even then.
Although, for all $a,b$, $f$ satisfies the odd property $f(a,b) \le a$ and $f(a,b) \le b$. It may be possible to show no polynomials satisfy this property but I can't see how to do it for exponentials.
One way to do a bitwise AND would be to decompose each integer into a sequence of values in {0,1}, perform a Boolean AND on each pair of corresponding bits, and then recompose the result into an integer. A function for getting the $i$-th bit (zero-indexed, starting at the least significant bit) of an integer $n$ could be defined as $f(n, i) = \lfloor n/2^i\rfloor \bmod 2$; the bitwise AND of two integers $m$ and $n$ would then be $$\sum_{i=0}^\infty (f(n,i) \mbox{ AND } f(m,i)) 2^i$$ Expressing the simpler Boolean AND in terms of common mathematical functions is left as an exercise to the reader.
Note that this is an integer operation as you have defined it and it is a perfectly valid mathematical definition.
So you need to refine your question: You want a formula? What kind of formula would you accept?