Chrome: full screen shortcut does not work

Suddenly after using chrome for around six months on macOS, (first Mojave and then Catalina), the (very useful) Full-Screen shortcut (Ctrl+Cmd+F) has stopped working.

Both, clicking the green button and selecting full screen from the view options work just fine, but chrome rejects to respond to the keyboard shortcut. The other shortcuts that I use on Chrome like forward and back work fine too. The full-screen shortcut also works on all other apps I use.

Chrome version and macOS version:

Google Chrome   79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision    c2a58a36b9411c80829b4b154bfcab97e581f1f3-refs/branch-heads/3945@{#954}
OS  macOS Version 10.15.2 (Build 19C57)

Is this a known issue on Chrome or macOS Catalina? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Rebooting the computer does not fix this and it is consistently reproducible on my machine. (MacBook Pro 2018)

How to solve the problem?

System Preference -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts

Then add two entries

  1. Enter full screen
    • Application: Google Chrome
    • Menu Title: "Enter Full Screen"
    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Cmd+F
  2. Exit full screen
    • Application: Google Chrome
    • Menu Title: "Exit Full Screen"
    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Cmd+F

Then the mapping changed and the full-screen shortcut works on my Mac.

Why does this happen?

When I opened chrome on the problematic mac, I found that the shortcut for Enter full screen under the View tab is fn+F. And I happen to have another Mac on hand, while the same Enter full screen shortcut is Ctrl+Cmd+F.

The strange thing is that on the well-working Mac, Ctrl+Cmd+F is the default value. It seems that some actions modify the corresponding mappings to cause this problem...

Open the Chrome Settings (in the menu) and click "Show advanced settings." Remove the take a look at next to "Use hardware acceleration" and then attempt again.

If that does not work, press F11 to make Chrome itself fullscreen. Once you've watched the video, press F11 once more to exit the fullscreen mode