My table half-exists. Can't drop it

Solution 1:

You're getting caught with the case sensitivity of the table name. In Oracle, all of these commands are exactly the same:

drop table jeremy_ALLK
drop table Jeremy_ALLK
drop table JEREMY_ALLK
drop table "JEREMY_ALLK"

That is to say, the table name is by default "lifted" to upper case. Since you have lower-case letters in your table name you'll have to specify the drop statement like this:

drop table "jeremy_ALLK"

The double-quotes are used whenever you have a database object named with lower-case letters or spaces(!).

Solution 2:

OK. The problem appears to be that you created the table with a case-sensitive table name (note that the table_name in user_tables is in mixed case). If you do that (and I would strongly suggest not doing that in the future), you need to use the case-sensitive table name everywhere. So your DROP TABLE statement would need to be