Core RC2 Web API POST - When to use Create, CreatedAtAction, vs. CreatedAtRoute?

There's a few different questions here which should probably be split out, but I think this covers the bulk of your issues.

Why create names for actions and routes? What's the difference between action names and route names?

First of all, actions and routes are very different.

An Action lives on a controller. A route specifies a complete end point that consists of a Controller, and Action and potentially additional other route parameters.

You can give a name to a route, which allows you to reference it in your application. for example

  name: "MyRouteName",
  url: "SomePrefix/{action}/{id}",
  defaults: new { controller = "Section", action = "Index" }

The reason for action names are covered in this question: Purpose of ActionName

It allows you to start your action with a number or include any character that .net does not allow in an identifier. - The most common reason is it allows you have two Actions with the same signature (see the GET/POST Delete actions of any scaffolded controller)

What are the fundamental differences of those functions?

These 3 functions all perform essentially the same function - returning a 201 Created response, with a Location header pointing to the url for the newly created response, and the object itself in the body. The url should be the url at which a GET request would return the object url. This would be considered the 'Correct' behaviour in a RESTful system.

For the example Post code in your question, you would actually want to use CreatedAtAction.

public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
   // actual insertion code left out

   return CreatedAtAction("MyStuff", new { id = myStuff.Id }, myStuff);

Assuming you have the default route configured, this will add a Location header pointing to the MyStuff action on the same controller.

If you wanted the location url to point to a specific route (as we defined earlier, you could use e.g.

public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
   // actual insertion code left out

   return CreatedAtRoute("MyRouteName", new { id = myStuff.Id }, myStuff);

Can I just use this variant and provide a bogus URL and return the object I want and get it done and over with?

If you really don't want to use a CreatedResult, you can use a simple StatusCodeResult, which will return a 201, without the Location Header or body.

public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
  // actual insertion code left out

  return StatusCode(201);