Can PuTTY be configured to display the following UTF-8 characters?
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono does not support the Chess Symbols section of UTF8. Courier New also does not currently support the Chess Symbols section of UTF8. You'll have to find a Unicode font that supports chess symbols.
Consider DejaVu Sans Mono which is Bitsream Vera Sans Mono, just with more unicode characters (including the chess symbols). FYI, these are the unicode Codepoints for the chess symbols which will make your search for a suitable font easier.
Once you have chosen a font you'll need to make sure that PuTTY itself is set to receive UTF-8 symbols:
- In a PuTTy window, click the PuTTY logo in the upper left corner
- Click "Change settings"
- Choose which session you want to set a character set for in the "Saved Sessions" area
- Choose "Window / Translation"
- Choose the option "Received data assumed to be in which character set: UTF-8"