How to fix Xcode "DTAssetProviderService could not start.." error?

I have upgraded macOS Sierra Developer Preview, but my Xcode 7.3.1 gives below error while try to run my project on simulator. In addition Generic to archieve gives another error like:

In addition for archive: a cryptographic verification failure has occured.

enter image description here

How can I fix this?

I have tried before Xcode 8.0 Beta, uninstall it deleting derivedData and reset content simulator but still occurs this error.


I want to share an information who want to use Sierra now. If you decide to do below changes you need to know "Uploading App Store with beta software" not allowed by Apple. Continue with El Capitan and Xcode 7.3.1 for production.

Solution 1:

If you want the slow solution, you can reinstall Xcode 7.3.1 by downloading it from

It worked for me and now my Simulator is able to start again without getting the error.

The issue is discussed in depth here: How to fix Xcode "DTAssetProviderService could not start.." error?

Solution 2:

This seems to be a major bug. Until Apple fixes it, you can work around it:

  • Build app
  • The app will still install on the simulator, even with the error
  • Launch the app manually on the simulator
  • Go to Xcode
  • Click Debug > Attach to Process > Your App Name

That will enable Xcode debugging features and allow your app to run in simulator. Definitely not ideal, but hopefully you can use this until a real solution comes out.

Solution 3:

This is a regression in macOS Sierra that multiple developers have reported in the forums and in the lab sessions at WWDC. Xcode 7.3 is not supported on Sierra. If you want to use macOS Sierra, please use Xcode 8.0 beta or later.

If you must use Xcode 7.3 on Sierra, you can partially workaround this bug by using to install the app through Build & Run, launch the app suspended from the command line (xcrun simctl launch -w booted <app identifier>) and then attach with the debugger and resume the suspended process.

Note that this issue only impact Xcode 7.3.1 downloaded from the Mac App Store. You will not hit this issue if you use Xcode downloaded from (ie, the "drag & drop installer"). Note that you might hit another issue with the same symptoms when using the drag & drop installer. That is discussed in DTAssetProviderService could not start DTXConnection with Simulator

Solution 4:

You can still run the debugger, but you have to attach it manually.

You can run your app tapping the icon in the simulator, than switch back to Xcode and select Debug, Attach to Process and pick your app process.