Silencing the Memory slot utility

Solution 1:

You can turn it off by logging in once as the root user. Root's disabled by default, but here's how to enable it and log in as root:

Steps taken from here:

  1. In Finder, choose Go –> Go to Folder... (or shift command g), and enter /System/Library/CoreServices

  2. In the CoreServices folder, open Directory Utility.

  3. From the Edit menu, choose "Enable Root User", and supply a password.

  4. Open System Preferences –> Users & Groups prefpane, and under Login Options, turn off Automatic Login, and set the login window display to Name and Password.

  5. Reboot. Log in as root from the login window. Perform one final heroic click of Memory Slot Utility’s OK button, going for maximum style points.

  6. Log out, log back in as yourself, put settings back the way you like them. I suggest using Directory Utility to disable the root account.