What anti-patterns exist for JavaScript? [closed]


  • Namespace polluting by creating a large footprint of variables in the global context.

  • Binding event handlers in the form 'foo.onclick = myFunc' (inextensible, should be using attachEvent/addEventListener).

  • Using eval in almost any non-JSON context

  • Almost every use of document.write (use the DOM methods like document.createElement)

  • Prototyping against the Object object (BOOM!)

  • A small one this, but doing large numbers of string concats with '+' (creating an array and joining it is much more efficient)

  • Referring to the non-existent undefined constant


  • (Generally) not providing noscript support.

  • Not packaging your code into a single resource

  • Putting inline (i.e. body) scripts near the top of the body (they block loading)

Ajax specific:

  • not indicating the start, end, or error of a request to the user

  • polling

  • passing and parsing XML instead of JSON or HTML (where appropriate)

Many of these were sourced from the book Learning JavaScript Design by Addy Osmati: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-javascript-design/9781449334840/ch06.html

edit: I keep thinking of more!

Besides those already mentioned...

  • Using the for..in construct to iterate over arrays
    (iterates over array methods AND indices)

  • Using Javascript inline like <body onload="doThis();">
    (inflexible and prevents multiple event listeners)

  • Using the 'Function()' constructor
    (bad for the same reasons eval() is bad)

  • Passing strings instead of functions to setTimeout or setInterval
    (also uses eval() internally)

  • Relying on implicit statements by not using semicolons
    (bad habit to pick up, and can lead to unexpected behavior)

  • Using /* .. */ to block out lines of code
    (can interfere with regex literals, e.g.: /* /.*/ */)

    <evangelism> And of course, not using Prototype ;) </evangelism>

The biggest for me is not understanding the JavaScript programming language itself.

  • Overusing object hierarchies and building very deep inheritance chains. Shallow hierarchies work fine in most cases in JS.
  • Not understanding prototype based object orientation, and instead building huge amounts of scaffolding to make JS behave like traditional OO languages.
  • Unnecessarily using OO paradigms when procedural / functional programming could be more concise and efficient.

Then there are those for the browser runtime:

  • Not using good established event patterns like event delegation or the observer pattern (pub/sub) to optimize event handling.
  • Making frequent DOM updates (like .appendChild in a loop), when the DOM nodes can be in memory and appended in one go. (HUGE performance benefit).
  • Overusing libraries for selecting nodes with complex selectors when native methods can be used (getElementById, getElementByTagName, etc.). This is becoming lesser of an issue these days, but it's worth mentioning.
  • Extending DOM objects when you expect third-party scripts to be on the same page as yours (you will end up clobbering each other's code).

And finally the deployment issues.

  • Not minifying your files.
  • Web-server configs - not gzipping your files, not caching them sensibly.

<plug> I've got some client-side optimization tips which cover some of the things I've mentioned above, and more, on my blog.</plug>