Elegantly determine if more than one boolean is "true"

I was going to write the Linq version, but five or so people beat me to it. But I really like the params approach to avoid having to manually new up an array. So I think the best hybrid is, based on rp's answer with the body replace with the obvious Linqness:

public static int Truth(params bool[] booleans)
    return booleans.Count(b => b);

Beautifully clear to read, and to use:

if (Truth(m, n, o, p, q) > 2)

How about

  if ((bool1? 1:0) + (bool2? 1:0) + (bool3? 1:0) + 
      (bool4? 1:0) + (bool5? 1:0) > 1)
      // do something

or a generalized method would be...

   public bool ExceedsThreshold(int threshold, IEnumerable<bool> bools)
       int trueCnt = 0;
       foreach(bool b in bools)
          if (b && (++trueCnt > threshold)) 
              return true;
       return false;          

or using LINQ as suggested by other answers:

    public bool ExceedsThreshold(int threshold, IEnumerable<bool> bools)
    { return bools.Count(b => b) > threshold; }

EDIT (to add Joel Coehoorn suggestion: (in .Net 2.x and later)

    public void ExceedsThreshold<T>(int threshold, 
                      Action<T> action, T parameter, 
                      IEnumerable<bool> bools)
    { if (ExceedsThreshold(threshold, bools)) action(parameter); }

or in .Net 3.5 and later:

    public void ExceedsThreshold(int threshold, 
            Action action, IEnumerable<bool> bools)
    { if (ExceedsThreshold(threshold, bools)) action(); }

or as an extension to IEnumerable<bool>

  public static class IEnumerableExtensions
      public static bool ExceedsThreshold<T> 
         (this IEnumerable<bool> bools, int threshold)
      { return bools.Count(b => b) > threshold; }

usage would then be:

  var bools = new [] {true, true, false, false, false, false, true};
  if (bools.ExceedsThreshold(3))
      // code to execute  ...