Is it possible to create a new Firebase project by API?

Is it possible to create new hosting projects by API, or another non-interactive method on Google Firebase?

I already tried Firebase tools with a token, but it says that it is only possible to create a new project on Firebase Console.

Some context: My project allows users to create static websites online and we are searching for solutions to host these sites. Firebase would be a great solution, but only if I could integrate the user's new project into my system, with Firebase projects.

Updated (2018-11-07)

It is now possible to create with the Firebase Management API. Through this same API you can get a list of projects, add an app to an existing project, and list the apps in a project.

  • Hi!

    public static void AddFirebase()
         var request = new AddFirebaseRequest();
         var operationFirebase1 = _firebaseManagementService.Projects.AddFirebase(request,
             "projects/" + CloudManager.ProjectId).Execute();
         WaitOperation(operationFirebase1, "Firebase");

My sample creating a new Firebase project by API: