What factors influence which Pokemon appears as the daily guaranteed Pokemon encounter?

Solution 1:

The Silph Road recently published an article on their research into the factors influencing daily spawns. The research found that almost all available wild spawns including regional, event, and evolved forms are candidates. The daily spawn is registered upon the first time you open the app after midnight, local time. At that time, the relative frequency of encountering a species is influenced by these few factors:

  • weather
  • time of day
  • location

The weather factor corresponds to the hourly weather in game, increasing the chance of a weather boosted species. The time of day relates to the day or night cycle, where certain types are more likely to appear; for example, dark types are more likely at night. Location has always been a primary factor in spawns, with the common example of spawn points near water features having an increased chance of water types. One consequence is that even rare species may appear common in certain areas.

Beyond answering the question, the article mentions that some species do not appear as daily spawns, but the cautionary note is whether they are extremely rare and not encountered yet.