How to get Siri to read result from the web

Siri is frustrating. I can ask her a question like "what causes brain freeze" (as one does), and she'll say "I found this on the web". But if I then ask her to "speak screen" or "read page", or even "read it to me", she has no idea what I'm talking about and tells me there's nothing to read.

Folk, I understand how to get my phone to read a page. What I don't understand is how completely hands-free you can ask Siri a question and get her to read the web page of the result she just found you.

Alexa can do it. Google can do it. What's wrong with Siri?

Solution 1:

AFAIK, you can use Siri to speak screen when the results are open in Safari, or when it shows specific excerpt from Wikipedia or WolframAlpha etc. for say, word meanings or definitions.

For the results in the overlay, it seems not possible to me.

I search using iPhone's spotlight and then use "search the web" at the bottom in case I need more results.

You can look into setting up a automation for opening safari and reading it out aloud.