How do I find Frost the Horse if he runs away during "Promises to Keep"?

How do I find Frost the Horse if he runs away during the quest "Promises to Keep"? I got attacked while riding Frost, dismounted to fight, and then the horse ran away. Now I can't complete the quest.

Is there any way to restart the quest or find Frost again?

Solution 1:

From the comments above:

Frost's ID is 000cb276, I'm with his body and have him targeted, but the resurrect cheat doesn't seem to be doing anything. Oh well :( – Abby Nov 29 at 1:41

Actually it's ID is 00097E1F (source:

If Frost ran away, player.moveto 00097E1F should move you to him.

Solution 2:

You don't need the ID to resurrect a dead NPC if you have his body: open the console, target the body (click on the body once) and type resurrect.

Mine is MIA God knows where so I don't have his body to do this trick; I guess I'll have to find the bloody ID to teleport to him or something.