How do you activate the pressure plates in Tianqiu Valley?

I just solved that puzzle:

Here is step-by-step guide, I have no idea if any of the step is important, but I failed it at first (chest didn't spawned). If you fail - move away a bit and relog, then try again.

  1. Face west.
  2. Stand on left plate
  3. Wait until it's lit
  4. Drop geo-stone under your feets (hold E and rotate camera to find best spot)
  5. Wait until you hear a sound (plate if fully pressed)
  6. Climb the geo-stone, jump and glide a bit (I read this is important, maybe because plates are too close and gliding release trigger or something)
  7. Stand on right panel and repeat same procedure with it.
  8. After second plate is fully pressed (you should hear a sound) the chest should spawn.

I used Amber to antagonize one of the geo hatchings on the ground into chasing me and managed to get it up on the platform with me. When it stood on one panel, I moved Amber to the other and the chest appeared. It was a fluke so I don't know how easily it can be replicated but it worked for me!