How do I spawn a minecraft zombie with custom armor / shield / sword / item [closed]

Could someone tell me please? I really need to know for my new adventure map.

Solution 1:

You need to use a command block since the command is long.

You spawn a zombie with shield, armor, and sword by typing this command in a command block:

/summon minecraft:zombie ~2~1~ {handItems:[{id:minecraft:(item),Count1),{id:minecraft:(item),Count1)}]} 

You can add as many items as you want, here is an example:

/summon minecraft:zombie ~2~1~ {handItems:[{id:minecraft:diamond_sword,Count1),{id:minecrat:shield,Count1),{id:minecraft:lether_boots,Count1},{id:minecraft:diamond_chestplate,Count1)}]}

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