How to reliably keep an SSH tunnel open?

Solution 1:

Sounds like you need autossh. This will monitor an ssh tunnel and restart it as needed. We've used it for a couple of years and it seems to work well.

autossh -M 20000 -f -N your_public_server -R 1234:localhost:22 -C

More details on the -M parameter here

Solution 2:

All stateful firewalls forget about a connection after not seeing a packet for that connection for some time (to prevent the state tables from becoming full of connections where both ends died without closing the connection). Most TCP implementations will send a keepalive packet after a long time without hearing from the other side (2 hours is a common value). If, however, there is a stateful firewall which forgets about the connection before the keepalive packets can be sent, a long-lived but idle connection will die.

If that is the case, the solution is to prevent the connection from becoming idle. OpenSSH has an option called ServerAliveInterval which can be used to prevent the connection from being idle for too long (as a bonus, it will detect when the peer died sooner even if the connection is idle).

Solution 3:

I've used the following Bash script to keep spawning new ssh tunnels when the previous one dies. Using a script is handy when you don't want or can't install additional packages or use compiler.

while true
  ssh <ssh_options> [user@]hostname
  sleep 15

Note that this requires a keyfile to establish the connection automatically but that is the case with autossh, too.

Solution 4:

Systemd is ideally suited for this.

Create a service file /etc/systemd/system/sshtunnel.service containing:

Description=SSH Tunnel

ExecStart=/bin/ssh -NT -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@otherserver


(Modify the ssh command to suit)

  • this will run as user sshtunnel so make sure that user exists first
  • issue systemctl enable sshtunnel to set it to start at boot time
  • issue systemctl start sshtunnel to start immediately

Update Jan 2018: some distros (e.g. Fedora 27) may use SELinux policy to prevent the use of SSH from systemd init, in which case a custom policy will need to be created to provide the necessary exemptions.

Solution 5:

On your own mac or linux machine configure your ssh keep the server ssh alive every 3 minutes. Open a terminal and go your your invisible .ssh in your home:

cd ~/.ssh/ 

then create a 1 line config file with:

echo "ServerAliveInterval 180" >> config

you should also add:

ServerAliveCountMax xxxx (high number)

the default is 3 so ServerAliveInterval 180 will stop sending after 9 minutes (3 of the 3-minute interval specified by ServerAliveInterval).