Genshin impact F2P model [closed]

You dont have to pay for anything in Genshin Impact at all. You are able to earn Primogems (the primary currency for getting new characters) at a decent enough rate as a free2player. Nothing in the game is gated by paying money, you are able to access anything and everything as F2P.

Paying money is for convenience and convenience only. You can roll the character/weapon gacha more often, and recover Resin (a currency used for collecting character/weapon progression items) faster. Your play is not hindered without these (there's tons of other activities you can do while waiting for Resin to Recharge, and Primogen is a constant flow, like I mentioned earlier)

I'm adventure Rank 40 with no shortage of things to do. Yes the main and story quests are "over" until the next update, but the world still has plenty of content.

There are two main reasons you might want to spend money on Genshin Impact:

  1. To obtain a specific character (or constellation level for a character), weapon or artefact.
  2. To improve your characters, weapons and artefacts at a faster rate than the free to play systems allow.

To expand upon these:

  1. Characters and weapons are obtained via a gacha system of spending wishes to obtain a random character or weapon. The chance of pulling a specific item is very low, so if you have your heart set on obtaining a certain character there is a good chance you would need to spend money on additional wishes (though there is no guarantee you will ever get a specific character unless they are the Event wish character, in which case 200 wishes will guarantee you get that character). If you don't care about which specific characters you use then you are given enough free ones to make a full party, and enough free wishes to pull a few more random characters. Note that to max out a character's constellation requires pulling the same character seven times, which is almost certainly unfeasible without monetary input or a lot of time investment.
  2. After playing for some time, your limiting factor on improving items will likely be resin - you have a limit of 120 resin to spend, which regenerates at a rate of 1 per 8 minutes. Resin must generally be spent to obtain rewards such as character, weapon and talent improvement materials. If you are just playing the game for fun then this won't be a problem - you can complete all the questlines without worrying too much about your upgrades. Once you have finished all the story content the only thing currently left to do in the game from a progression standpoint is to upgrade characters and items, which requires resin, which you have in limited supply each day - but can spend money to refill. If maxing out all your upgrades as fast as possible is important to you, then you would thus need to spend money on refilling resin.