colorsync.display high cpu

Solution 1:

I experienced the same today on a 2019 13-inch MacBook Pro. I only saw the process in htop with high CPU usage stuck at the same value for several minutes, but not showing in Activity Monitor. I quit and started htop again and it appears to be gone. If I filter for colorsync it shows a number of processes, among them colorsync.display, with CPU usage at 0%.

htop output filtered for “colorsync”

This may just be a process that gets stuck in htop for some reason.

Update 24th of February 2021: experienced the same on a M1 MacBook Air. Restarting htop removed it from the top CPU-consuming processes listed there.

Solution 2:

If you use Activity Monitor, you can select the process and Inspect Process CommandI. The click on the "Open Files and Ports" tab.

That will show you all the files that the process is using, but the most relevant files should be at the top of the list.