Conditional shortcuts per application in Keyboard Maestro

Solution 1:

I'd suggest posting this on the Keyboard Maestro Forum in the future – they're very responsive there:

There are a few ways I can think of. First, you could set a variable based on the front application and then use that in the switch/case. This involves "set variable to text" %Application%1%(front application name) and then using switch case based on the variable (see below).

Basically, you're getting the front application name and then using switch case based on whatever the front application is named.

Set variable to text: enter image description here

Switch case: enter image description here

Second, you could just nest the 'if' statements (below). Thus, you ask the first 'if' statement and then if that isn't true, you go to the 'else' statement, which contains the second 'if' condition.

enter image description here