Powershell Format-Wide and Sorting

I found something that does exactly what I want, and is more generic: http://www.leporelo.eu/blog.aspx?id=powershell-formatting-format-wide-rotated-to-format-columns (dead link)

  • Version 0.4 code (pasted at the bottom of this answer in case this link dies too)
  • Archived 0.1 code (included because it has more discussion/examples)

Example with regular Format-Wide

'The basic promise behind implicit remoting is that you can work ' +
'with remote commands using local syntax.' -split ' ' | Format-Wide -force -prop {$_} -col 3
  The                        basic                      promise
  behind                     implicit                   remoting
  is                         that                       you
  can                        work                       with
  remote                     commands                   using
  local                      syntax.

Example with Format-Columns

'The basic promise behind implicit remoting is that you can work ' +
'with remote commands using local syntax.' -split ' ' | . Format-Columns -col 3
  The                       is                        remote
  basic                     that                      commands
  promise                   you                       using
  behind                    can                       local
  implicit                  work                      syntax.
  remoting                  with

I am still surprised Powershell doesn't have a built-in option to do this.

Version 0.4 code:

function Format-Columns {
    Begin   { $values = @() }
    Process { $values += $InputObject }
    End {
        function ProcessValues {
            $ret = $values
            $p = $Property
            if ($p -is [Hashtable]) {
                $exp = $p.Expression
                if ($exp) {
                    if ($exp -is [string])          { $ret = $ret | % { $_.($exp) } }
                    elseif ($exp -is [scriptblock]) { $ret = $ret | % { & $exp $_} }
                    else                            { throw 'Invalid Expression value' }
                if ($p.FormatString) {
                    if ($p.FormatString -is [string]) {    $ret = $ret | % { $p.FormatString -f $_ } }
                    else {                              throw 'Invalid format string' }
            elseif ($p -is [scriptblock]) { $ret = $ret | % { & $p $_} }
            elseif ($p -is [string]) {      $ret = $ret | % { $_.$p } }
            elseif ($p -ne $null) {         throw 'Invalid -property type' }
            # in case there were some numbers, objects, etc., convert them to string
            $ret | % { $_.ToString() }
        if (!$Column) { $Autosize = $true }
        $values = ProcessValues

        $valuesCount = @($values).Count
        if ($valuesCount -eq 1) {
            return $values
        # from some reason the console host doesn't use the last column and writes to new line
        $consoleWidth          = $host.ui.RawUI.maxWindowSize.Width - 1
        $gutterWidth = 2

        # get length of the longest string
        $values | % -Begin { [int]$maxLength = -1 } -Process { $maxLength = [Math]::Max($maxLength,$_.Length) }

        # get count of columns if not provided
        if ($Autosize) {
            $Column         = [Math]::Max( 1, ([Math]::Floor(($consoleWidth/($maxLength+$gutterWidth)))) )
            $remainingSpace = $consoleWidth - $Column*($maxLength+$gutterWidth);
            if ($remainingSpace -ge $maxLength) { 
            if ($MaxColumn -and $MaxColumn -lt $Column) {
                $Column = $MaxColumn
        $countOfRows       = [Math]::Ceiling($valuesCount / $Column)
        $maxPossibleLength = [Math]::Floor( ($consoleWidth / $Column) )

        # cut too long values, considers count of columns and space between them
        $values = $values | % {
            if ($_.length -gt $maxPossibleLength) { $_.Remove($maxPossibleLength-2) + '..' }
            else { $_ }

        #add empty values so that the values fill rectangle (2 dim array) without space
        if ($Column -gt 1) {
            $values += (@('') * ($countOfRows*$Column - $valuesCount))
        # in case there is only one item, make it array
        $values = @($values)
        now we have values like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ''
        and we want to display them like this:
        1 3 5 7
        2 4 6 ''
        $formatString = (1..$Column | %{ "{$($_-1),-$maxPossibleLength}" }) -join ''

        1..$countOfRows | % {
            $r    = $_-1
            $line = @(1..$Column | %{ $values[$r + ($_-1)*$countOfRows]} )
            Write-Output "$($formatString -f $line)".PadRight($consoleWidth,' ')

        Formats incoming data to columns.
        It works similarly as Format-Wide but it works vertically. Format-Wide outputs the data row by row, but Format-Columns outputs them column by column.
    .PARAMETER Property
        Name of property to get from the object.
        It may be
            -- string - name of property.
            -- scriptblock
            -- hashtable with keys 'Expression' (value is string=property name or scriptblock)
                and 'FormatString' (used in -f operator)
    .PARAMETER Column
        Count of columns
    .PARAMETER Autosize
        Determines if count of columns is computed automatically.
    .PARAMETER MaxColumn
        Maximal count of columns if Autosize is specified
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Data to display
        1..150 | Format-Columns -Autosize
        Format-Columns -Col 3 -Input 1..130
        Get-Process | Format-Columns -prop @{Expression='Handles'; FormatString='{0:00000}'} -auto
        Get-Process | Format-Columns -prop {$_.Handles} -auto
        Name: Get-Columns
        Author: stej, http://twitter.com/stejcz
        Site: http://www.leporelo.eu/blog.aspx?id=powershell-formatting-format-wide-rotated-to-format-columns
        Lastedit: 2017-09-11
        Version 0.4 - 2017-09-11
        - removed color support and changed output from Write-Host to Write-Output
        Version 0.3 - 2017-04-24
        - added ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor
        Version 0.2 - 2010-01-14
        - added MaxColumn
        - fixed bug - displaying collection of 1 item was incorrect
        Version 0.1 - 2010-01-06