How to disable Chrome themes/skins and get default window decorations

Is there a way to disable Chrome's custom window skinning such that it lets the OS draw standard window title bars, borders, etc, in the style I have configured the OS to draw such things with?

I didn't spend all that time with the control panel setting a window style that pleases me just to have applications decide that they know better than me how I want my windows to look. As a practical matter, having each application decide for itself which color cues to use to show "this is the active window" becomes very confusing.

Alternatively, is there a tool somewhere that reads the Windows 7 color and window style settings and produces a Chrome theme that imitates them?

Solution 1:

I found the option to tick on Chrome on Linux by searching for "theme" in the settings, the option was "Use system title bars and borders"

enter image description here

Solution 2:

There isn't a way to override the default Chrome environment to use your windows settings, it has been hardcoded recently to look that way.

The current visual used be a setting called "Hide system title bar and use compact borders" but then google decided to push that as the only option. See it under Appearance on the screen shot.

older chrome and chromium settings screen