Android Studio - Cannot resolve symbol 'firebase'

Solution 1:

You need to add this dependency in your build.gradle(app)

compile 'com.firebase:firebase-client-android:2.5.0'

Solution 2:

Now with New Android Studio ,Its so easy to add Firebase to your Project.

Below are Simple Steps-

1. On Android Studio’s Tools menu, you’ll see an entry that reads Firebase.


2. Select this, and a Firebase Assistant pane will open to the side of your code editor:


3. On this pane, click the arrow beside ‘Authentication’, and you’ll see a step through for ‘Email and Password Authentication’.

Email Auth

4. Click the ‘Connect to Firebase’ button.

Your browser will open with a ‘Request for Permissions’ dialog: enter image description here

5.Click ‘Allow’, and then after a ‘Success!’ screen, you’ll be given a dialog with which to connect to Firebase.

enter image description here

6.You will see Connected .Its Done !

enter image description here

For more on Firebase refer here.