How can I activate Unity?

I previously had ubuntu 10.10 installed and upgraded to 11.04. However, desktop is same 10.10 (gnome) as despite the upgrade. How can I disable the Gnome and activate Unity instead?

Solution 1:

You should be able to activate the NVIDIA Driver in the Additional Drivers Window available when you login as Ubuntu Classic and navigate to System > Administrator > Additional Drivers

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Unity is a plugin for Compiz Fusion. It works well with Gnome, actually I don't think it works with anything rather than Gnome (someone might want to follow up on this).

To enable Unity, you have to enable the plugin in your Compiz settings. I'd suggest an app called CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager) -- a visual interface to Compiz settings. You can get it from the Software Center. Find Unity in the list and enable the plugin.

Update: What if the plugin is already enabled?

Okay what I'm gonna suggest is dangerous, but worked for me. Remember the command ccsm, you might have to use that from the terminal to launch the manager again. Create a shortcut to your gnome terminal on your desktop (gnome-terminal). Go to the Compiz settings, go to Preferences and reset everything to defaults.

You might experience some display problems at this point, if your desktop gets unresponsive press Ctrl+Alt+1, login and type sudo service gdm restart, you might end up with a bare desktop without a single menu (I did). Run the terminal, run ccsm and enable the Unity plugin, it'll ask you about some conflicts, ask Compiz to resolve them and disable all plugins conflicting with Unity.

Worked for me at least. Let me know how it goes ;) and good luck!