Static image src in Vue.js template

Solution 1:

This solution is for Vue-2 users:

  1. In vue-2 if you don't like to keep your files in static folder (relevant info), or
  2. In vue-2 & vue-cli-3 if you don't like to keep your files in public folder (static folder is renamed to public):

The simple solution is :)

<img src="@/assets/img/clear.gif" /> // just do this:
<img :src="require(`@/assets/img/clear.gif`)" // or do this:
<img :src="require(`@/assets/img/${imgURL}`)" // if pulling from: data() {return {imgURL: 'clear.gif'}}

If you like to keep your static images in static/assets/img or public/assets/img folder, then just do:

<img src="./assets/img/clear.gif" />
<img src="/assets/img/clear.gif" /> // in some case without dot ./

Solution 2:

If you want to bind a string to the src attribute, you should wrap it on single quotes:

<img v-bind:src="'/static/img/clear.gif'">
<!-- or shorthand -->
<img :src="'/static/img/clear.gif'">

IMO you do not need to bind a string, you could use the simple way:

<img src="/static/img/clear.gif">

Check an example about the image preload here:

Solution 3:

This is how i solve it.:

      items: [
        { title: 'Dashboard', icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/dashboard.svg') },
        { title: 'Projects',  icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/projects.svg') },
        { title: 'Clients', icon: require('@/assets/icons/sidebar/clients.svg') },

And on the template part:

<img :src="item.icon" />

See it in action here

Solution 4:

@Pantelis answer somehow steered me to a solution for a similar misunderstanding. A message board project I'm working on needs to show an optional image. I was having fits trying to get the src=imagefile to concatenate a fixed path and variable filename string until I saw the quirky use of "''" quotes :-)

<template id="symp-tmpl">
    <div v-for="item in items" style="clear: both;">
      <div v-if="(item.imagefile !== '[none]')">
        <img v-bind:src="'/storage/userimages/' + item.imagefile">
      sub: <span>@{{ item.subject }}</span>
      <span v-if="(login ==">[edit]</span>
      <br>@{{ }}
      <br>msg: <span>@{{ item.message }}</span>

Solution 5:

declare new variable that the value contain the path of image

const imgLink = require('../../assets/your-image.png')

then call the variable

export default {
    name: 'onepage',
            img: imgLink,

bind that on html, this the example:

<a href="#"><img v-bind:src="img" alt="" class="logo"></a>

hope it will help