What real-life fruit do the Berry names reference in Pokemon?

Yago berry is a bitter melon. Kuo berry is Okra, etc. There are some berries which have no English name, in that case they are translations. To get the full list, check Bulbapedia's page on Berries. From there, you can check the individual articles for each Berry you don't know, then check the Origin/design section.

For example:

  • Aspear berries are based on pears Aspear Origin - Bulbapedia
  • Leppa berries are based on apples (hence the anagram) Leppa Origin - Bulbapedia

The whole list:

Berry Based on
Cheri Berry Cherry
Chesto Berry Chestnut
Pecha Berry Peach
Rawst Berry Strawberry
Aspear Berry Asian pear
Leppa Berry Apple
Oran Berry Orange
Persim Berry Persimmon
Lum Berry Plum
Sitrus Berry Citrus
Figy Berry Fig
Wiki Berry Kiwi
Mago Berry Mango
Aguav Berry Guava
Iapapa Berry Papaya
Razz Berry Raspberry
Bluk Berry Blackberry
Nanab Berry Banana
Wepear Berry Western Pear
Pinap Berry Pineapple
Pomeg Berry Pomegranate
Kelpsy Berry Kelp
Qualot Berry Loquat
Hondew Berry Honeydew
Grepa Berry Grape
Tamato Berry Tomato
Cornn Berry Corn
Magost Berry Mangosteen
Rabuta Berry Rambutan
Nomel Berry Lemon
Spelon Berry Spiked Melon
Pamtre Berry Palm tree
Watmel Berry Watermelon
Durin Berry Durian
Belue Berry Blueberry
Occa Berry Cocao
Passho Berry Passionfruit
Wacan Berry Wax Candle
Rindo Berry Tamarind
Yache Berry Cherimoya
Chople Berry Chipotle
Kebia Berry Akebia
Shuca Berry Cashew nut
Coba Berry Babaco
Payapa Berry Papaya
Tanga Berry Pitanga
Charti Berry Artichoke
Kasib Berry Cassava
Haban Berry Terihabanjirō.
Colbur Berry Cocklebur
Babiri Berry Biriba
Chilan Berry Chinese lantern
Liechi Berry Lychee
Ganlon Berry Longan
Salac Berry Salak
Petaya Berry Pitaya
Apicot Berry Apricot
Lansat Berry Langsat
Starf Berry Star fruit
Enigma Berry Enigma
Micle Berry Miracle fruit
Custap Berry Custard Apple
Jaboca Berry Jabuticaba
Rowap Berry Water Apple