iMac not turning on after power cut mid update

I was updating my iMac 2019 27in (less than 4 months old) and we had a power cut.

I now cannot turn my iMac on.

It boots up, I can hear the fan. But nothing appears on the screen. No apple logo.

I have tried booting in safe mode but it doesn't work and I've tried resetting SMC.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Solution 1:

You covered Apple’s triage steps nicely and I think you hit them all.


Unless you can see something on an external monitor or the internal monitor booting with an option key held or internet recovery and see signs of life on screen, your next step is a repair shop to determine which component inside has failed.


My hope is you can boot to internet recovery and choose to reinstall the OS. Since you were mid update, it likely left your data alone and the system totally needing a reinstall. If you weren’t updating, the hardware failure is more likely, but can’t be ruled out based on the symptoms.

You can also bring a bootable USB to that Mac and test operation / hardware without needing service help.