Script not served by static file handler on IIS7.5

I've just tried to deploy my first web application to IIS on my Windows 7 Home Premium notebook. After creating the application, I had to change to the Classic App Pool, then set that pool for framework 4.0. Now I get the following error:

HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.

The requested URL is http://localhost:80/pvmms/default.aspx

I'm afraid extensive Googling has yielded nothing clear or definite enough for me to work with and as usual I've turned to the experts.

EDIT: I suspect this is because there are no framework 4.0 handler mappings for .aspx files. However, aspnet_regiis even gives my admin user the finger and says I need admin rights to run it.

EDIT #2: I registered all the frameworks (2 & 4, 32 and 64) and all now works. I found this by manually adding a script map for .aspx to aspnet_isapi and voila. I don't understand why the installation of the framework doesn't do this, unless my memory fails me and I only enabled IIS after installing VS.

Maybe too late now, but more often than not you need to run

aspnet_regiis.exe -i  

after installing Maybe I would do it anyway now.

In addition to above, if you need WCF support, you might need to run this:

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe -i

Replace v3.0 to whatever your current framework version is.

I encountered this error from IIS 8.5 when trying to access a WCF service I had written. Turns out the server didn't have the WCF HTTP Activation features turned on. Checked the boxes and clicked through the wizard, iisreset, started working.

Windows Features Panel