How can I tell whether a character is male or female?

Solution 1:

While writing this question, I did eventually find one available interaction with a dialog box that actually uses a pronoun:

Screenshot of "Move to Dungeon" dialog in Crusader Kings 3 showing female pronoun

Of course, this isn't exactly a general solution, since it only works on your prisoners. But hopefully most non-prisoner characters will have some other interaction available that refers to them with a pronoun or otherwise reveals their gender.

Also, I did come up with a general solution of sorts: search for the character's name using the general character finder (from the menu at the bottom of the screen) and, once you find them, use the "Gender" filter to see if they're male or female:


But while this method should always work, it's pretty awkward, since opening the character finder and setting the appropriate filters takes quite a few clicks. I'm really hoping there's some quicker way.

Solution 2:

This is a only slightly better solution, but it does save a few clicks. If you check the traits and personality descriptions they will generally reference gender.

For example, this 4 year old gambler: enter image description here

The traits also seem to have gender descriptors which at least saves a few clicks: enter image description here

An example of a young, jailed, and balanced individual enter image description here enter image description here